
Use internet for
free or without paying bill by hacking Qubee. Both postpaid & prepaid users
can use it. Though sometimes problem arise in internet browsing but no problem
in video downloading, it’s awesome there. Now you can do it too. In this way
you will get minimum 512 kbps & highest ½ mbps. It depends on your RSSI
& CINR Strength.
At first download the file from here. you will need it later.
Instructions for
prepaid users:
Please reserve your username & password
before doing following things.
- By USB modem:
If you have USB
modem, then go to modem option & type Username: ও Password: prepaid & click on “connect”
button. Now, if you open a browser to go any website there will appear a page
for paying bill instead of that website.
- By large Gigaset modem:
If you have large
Gigaset modem, then open any browser & go to this address- click on “OK”. After that, click
on “Advanced Settings” & then click on “Wimax Configuration”. Next, type Username: ও Password: prepaid & click on “OK” button.
Now, click on- “Administration” & then click on “restart”. Every time wait
for 2minutes after pressing “OK” to restart & connect your modem. And now if you open any browser to go any
website a bill paying page will appear instead of that website.
- process: